We're pioneering an entirely new way to learn online — our classes are intensive, 30-day experiences focused on doing and creating, not just passively watching videos.

What if you had the opportunity to totally redesign online education from the ground up?

What if you could work with and learn from your favorite experts, YouTubers, and creators? Imagine learning their craft directly from them and then transforming what you learn into a class that touches the lives of millions.

That's what we're doing at Monthly. We're looking for a special kind of generalist (writer, thinker, learner) to help us develop and pioneer these new ways to learn.

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Why this Role?

  1. Shape the future of learning: Monthly is a platform for immersive, effective, and engaging online classes that can be taken by anyone, anywhere, together. You can help us create a world where millions of people are more creative, fulfilled, and inspired.
  2. Learn from your favorite creators: You'll work closely with your favorite creators, YouTubers, and experts as we co-create classes with them. If you like learning, we think this is a dream job: You'll get to learn about a wide range of skills and topics, and craft curriculums to help others learn.
  3. Work with some of the best people in the world: We have an incredibly talented and passionate team that is a lot of fun to work with. We're a small, energetic group and have accomplished more than teams 10x our size. Our interests are wide and deep — and we love to combine them.
  4. Join us at a magical time: We've hit profitability and product-market fit, which opens up our options to create the learning experiences of our dreams. You'd join at the perfect time to shape our content and curriculums for some of the most exciting classes yet. We're just getting started.

Company Mission

Inspire creativity & empower a community of learners around the world

Most of us have an itch to be creative — to make art, play music, shoot photos, write stories, build things, and find ways to express ourselves — but most of us leave our creativity behind, struggling to find the time and energy for these pursuits during our normal lives. Monthly challenges that life has to be like this.

We believe that by bringing together the right structure, tools, and community, we can help everyone experience the creativity, camaraderie, and fulfillment of learning new things with others.

Most people don't have access to the community provided by in-person classes. Most people don't finish typical online courses. Monthly is pioneering a new kind of learning experience: We make classes that people finish and love that can be taken from anywhere, by anyone, together.