Make Your Own “X from Y” Generator*...*

If you’d like to generate your own oddly specific briefs for build ideas, we suggest using the Idea Generator, which you’ll find in the submission page for Project 1A. But, you can also generate combinations on your own (using bingo balls and cages like Simone, or writing words on paper and pulling them out of a hat, etc). If you do, you can always create your own lists (perhaps inspired by objects you know you’d like to make, or materials you have lying around), but feel free to use Simone’s lists below as a jumping off point.

Objects (X)

Materials (Y)

Simone’s Briefs

We’ve also collected the X from Y briefs that Simone generated in Lesson #2, which you’ll see below. Feel free to use any of them as your build idea if you’d like!

Make a hat out of thumb tacks.

Make a plate out of scissors.

Make a phone case out of puzzle pieces.*

Make a shelf out of books.

Make a cup out of chains.

Make bookends out of sandpaper.

Make a chair out of zippers.

Make an instrument out of bubble wrap.

Make a bowl out of keyboards or old electronics.

Make a light fixture out of toothpicks.

Make a tote bag out of chains.

Make glasses out of cans or bottles.

Make shoes out of pens & pencils.

*This is the idea Simone builds in class. You can make your own build using the same prompt if you’d like, but we encourage you to find your own unique approach to it!