We're building totally new ways to learn and interact online, enabled by great software.
What if you had the opportunity to totally rebuild online education from the ground up?
Imagine creating a new kind of learning platform that is 10x more effective than anything else, and fosters passionate and positive human connections around the world.
Imagine trying to build Facebook or Twitter, but instead of building a feed that tries to get you addicted, you're building an experience that seeks to optimize learning, collaboration, and group dynamism.
That's what we're building at Monthly. We're looking for a remarkable engineer to help us build, scale, and pioneer these new ways to learn.
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Inspire creativity & empower a community of learners around the world
Most of us have an itch to be creative — to make art, play music, shoot photos, write stories, build things, and find ways to express ourselves — but most of us leave our creativity behind, struggling to find the time and energy for these pursuits during our normal lives. Monthly challenges that life has to be like this.
We believe that by bringing together the right structure, tools, and community, we can help everyone experience the creativity, camaraderie, and fulfillment of learning new things with others.
Most people don't have access to the community provided by in-person classes. Most people don't finish typical online courses. Monthly is creating a new kind of learning experience: We make classes that people finish and love that can be taken from anywhere, by anyone, together.